Texts, Pictures, Objects, Performances in Art Practices from the 1960s to the 1990s
16th June to 30th October 2016
Exhibition venue: The Museum of Czech Literature (MCL), Star Summer Palace, Prague
Curators: Sabine Hänsgen, Tomáš Glanc, Petr Kotyk (MCL)
The intention of the exhibition is to introduce, for the first time in Bohemia, the artistic personality of Dmitry Prigov, by means of comparing his work with Havel’s Anticodes
and examples of Czech experimental poetics.
In different cultural areas, whether in terms of conceptual art or performance, we are currently witnessing the re-discovering of connections of which, until recently, there was very limited awareness. In various parts of Eastern Europe, there were parallels developing between movements and approaches that were separated not only by the Iron Curtain from the developments in the West, but also, paradoxically, by impenetrable barriers between those Eastern European cultures themselves.
Czech ICOM Prize within the jubilee XV. National Competition of the Museums Gloria Musealis.
Review (in Russian) ГАВЕЛ — ПРИГОВ И ЧЕШСКАЯ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ ПОЭЗИЯ (Havel – Prigov and the Czech Experimental Poetry) by Stanislava Ozerova, ruslo.cz, 2016
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