Artists & Agents

Artists and Agents. Performance Art and Secret Services in Eastern Europe HMKV Dortmund (Fall 2019) curated by Inke Arns, Kata Krasznahorkai & Sylvia Sasse State…...

Yuri Albert – Elitär-demokratische Kunst

„Kann man ein absolut unverständliches Kunstwerk erschaffen?“ (Yuri Albert) “Is it possible to make an absolutely incomprehensible artwork?”(Yuri Albert)   Yuri Albert Elitär-demokratische Kunst 21.9.2018…...

Poetry & Performance

Poetry & Performance. The Eastern European Perspective Prague hosts from 17 June 2024 the ninth “edition” of the extensive research exhibition we have called “Poetry…...

The Storming of the Winterpalace

“Storming of the Winter Palace. Theater as History” The SNF-funded exhibition “The Storming of the Winter Palace: History as Theatre” first took place from 24/09/2017…...

Havel – Prigov

HAVEL – PRIGOV  Texts, Pictures, Objects, Performances in Art Practices from the 1960s to the 1990s 16th June to 30th October 2016 Exhibition venue: The…...

Virtuosi of Deception

Virtuosi of Deception. An insight into the universe of the group Collective Actions. At “The Third Belgrade”   Belgrade, Serbia, October – November 2011 curated…...