Poetry & Performance

Poetry & Performance. The Eastern European Perspective

Prague hosts until the end of October 2024 the ninth “edition” of the extensive research exhibition we have called

“Poetry & Performance. The Eastern European Perspective”

Prague (Museum of Literature) 18/6/2024 – 31/10/2024

click on the museum website


Dozens of videos, fragile scores from the underground, audio recordings and photo documentation, as well as unique objects will present the experimental activities of more than 50 artists and groups from ten European countries. 

The exhibition has so far been visited in different versions by audiences in 8 European countries, from Switzerland and Germany to Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine. 
In Prague, the exhibition is hosted by the Museum of Literature, specifically the spectacular Renaissance summer palace Hvězda, whose aura was admired by astrologists as well as André Breton. 
The exhibition is the most extensive of all the previous realisations, with a number of new exhibits from Ukraine, Belarus – and of course with works by Czech artists of the neo-avant-garde and contemporary art, whose work combines poetry and performance. 
The opening ceremony with an accompanying programme will take place on 17 June at 6 pm.
Curators Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen
and a team of collaborators: 
Agata Ciastoń, Dubravka Ðurić, Daniel Grúň, Iryna Herasimovich, Emese Kürti, Claus Löser, Pavel Novotný, Kateryna Rusetska/Yuri Birte Anderson, Branka Stipančić, Darko Šimičić and Māra Traumane.
ARTISTS AND GROUPS (here in Czech transliteration for the Prague exhibition in summer 2024, English transliteration is below):

Milan Adamčiak, Akademia Ruchu, Nikita Alexejev, Gábor Altorjay, Pavel Arseňjev [Laboratory of Poetry Actionism], Damir Avdić, Babi Badalov, BOSCH+BOSCH [Attila Csernik, Slavko Matković, László Szalma, Imre Póth], Bu-Ba-Bu [Jurij Andruchovyč, Oleksandr Irvaněc, Viktor Něborak], Bum-Bam-Lit, CORO Collective, Nuša a Srečo Dragan [OHO group], Ľubomír Ďurček, Else Gabriel, Epos 257 a Vladimir 518, Dorota Gawęda a Eglė Kulbokaitė [Young Girl Reading Group], Rimma Gerlovina, Jelena Glazova, Tomislav Gotovac, Bohumila Grögerová / Josef Hiršal, Durs Grünbein, Grupa šestorice autora [Boris Demur, Željko Jerman, Vlado Martek, Mladen Stilinović, Sven Stilinović, Fedor Vučemilović], Michail Gulin, László Gyémámt, Gino Hahnemann, Tibor Hajas, Raoul Hausmann, Jörg Herold, Henri Chopin, Nikolaj Karabinovič, Jiří Kolář, Kollektivnyje dějstvija, Vladimir Kopicl, Naško Križnar [OHO Group], Verena Kyselka, Katalin Ladik, Jurij Leiderman / Andrej Siĺvestrov, Via Lewandowsky, Vlado Martek, Kirill Medveděv, Jan Měřička, Andrej Monastyrskij, Monogramista T. D, Ladislav Novák, Pavel Novotný, NSRD [Hardijs Lediņš, Juris Boiko, Imants Žodžiks], Orbita [Semjon Chanin, Artur Punte, Vladimir Svetlov, Sergej Timofejev], Roman Osminkin, Andrzej Partum, Ewa Partum, Oranžová alternativa, Imre Póth, Bogdanka Poznanović, Dmitrij Prigov, Pussy Riot, Lev Rubinštejn, Gerhard Rühm, Mladen Stilinović, Gabriele Stötzer, László Szalma, Tamás Szentjóby, Fedir Tetjanyč, Slobodan Tišma, Raša Todosijević, Jaromír Typlt, Jiří Valoch, Leonid Vojcechov

Inauguration of the summer palace as the Alois Jirásek Museum in 1951
Letohrádek Hvězda, / “Star Summer Palace”, built 1555-1556, today










Poetry & Performance. The Eastern European Perspective

that took place between 2017 and 2022

(scroll down for entry text, brief documentation and main reviews)


Культура Медіальна / Kultura Medialna, Dnipro, Ukrainę

25.11.2021 — 12.02.2022  

curated by  Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen and Yuri Birte Anderson & Kateryna Rusetska.

In cooperation with Yaroslav Futymskyi.



 Kassák Múzeum Budapest 

24.06. – 17.06. 2021 

curated by Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen, Emese Kürti 

Baths/Lázně – Okresní galerie Liberec/ Regional Art Gallery Liberec 

17. 12. 2020 – 18. 5. 2021

curated by Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen

Muzeum Współczesne Wrocław / Wrocław Contemporary Museum 


curated by Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen, Agata Ciastoń

Exhibition arrangement: Hubert Kielan

[PL] Poezja i performans. Perspektywa wschodnioeuropejska

Więcej informacji o wystawie >>>

Motorenhalle Dresden 

12.4. – 7.7.2019

curated by Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen


Shedhalle Zürich

16.09. – 28.10. 2018
curated by Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen

Gallery Podroom, Cultural  Center of Belgrade / Serbia

8.3. – 29.3. 2018
curated by Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen and Dubravka Đurić


New Synagogue, Žilina / Slovakia

22.12. 2017 – 10.3. 2018 
curated by Tomáš Glanc, Daniel Grúň, Sabine Hänsgen

FOOTNOTES ON ART online magazine
BLOK MAGAZINE Announcement

BLOK presentation

ARTALK.cz Foto Report


Jiří Valoch   Vyslovování / Pronunciation, 1969 Courtesy: Moravian Gallery, Brno 

In the second half of the twentieth century, poets and artists in particular took up the challenge of reflecting on and investigating the instrumentalization of language for communicative and political-ideological purposes. They did so by drawing attention to the “made-ness” of language, its material and medial dimension, and by creating performative situations for themselves and their audiences within which possibilities of verbal expression could be tested and acted out. In Eastern Europe, poetry and performance played a significant role in the unofficial or partially tolerated cultural scene.

Babi Badalov, Rimma Gerlovina in Nová synagoga, Žilina, Slovakia. Photo” Peter Snadik

The writing practice of samizdat and its relation to the devices of concrete and visual poetry have been treated and presented in a number of previous projects. Until now however, less consideration has been given to the circumstances of performance. In addition to the typescript literature of samizdat, subcultural milieus attached particular importance to the oral recitation of poems, exhibitions, and poetry actions. The interrelation between text and situation in poetic acts functioned as a trigger for performances and happenings.The exhibition presents authors from subcultures in socialist states along with contemporary positions that continue the legacy of combining poetry and performance. It shows the efforts of poets and artists to break free from controlled language and normative communicative now and then. Poetry & Performance. The Eastern European Perspective thus confronts the current social challenges in the post-socialist countries through the prism of language and ideology and looks back at their points of departure.
– Writing-Reading Performance
– Audio Gestures
– Interventions in Public Space
– Cinematographic Poetry
– Body Poetry
– Language Games



Artists and groups

Milan Adamčiak • Akademia Ruchu • Nikita Alexeev • Gábor Altorjay • Pavel Arsenev (Laboratory of Poetry Actionism),  • Damir Avdić • Babi Badalov • Bosch+ Bosch (Attila Csernik • Slavko Matković • László Szalma • Imre Póth ) • Bu-Ba-Bu (Yuri Andrukhovych • Oleksandr Irvanets’ • Viktor Neborak) • Bum-Bam-Lit, • Henri Chopin • CORO Collective • Nuša and Srečo Dragan (OHO Group) • Ľubomír Ďurček • Epos 257 a Vladimir 518 • Exterra XX • Else Gabriel • Dorota Gawęda a Eglė Kulbokaitė (Young Girl Reading Group) • Rimma Gerlovina • Jelena Glazova • Tomislav Gotovac • Bohumila Grögerová / Josef Hiršal • Durs Grünbein • Grupa šestorice autora (Boris Demur • Željko Jerman • Vlado Martek • Mladen Stilinović • Sven Stilinović • Fedor Vučemilović) • Mikhail Gulin • László Gyémámt • Gino Hahnemann • Tibor Hajas • Raoul Hausmann, • Jörg Herold • Nikolay Karabinovych • Jiří Kolář • Kollektivnye deistviia  •Vladimir Kopicl • Naško Križnar (OHO Group) •  Verena Kyselka • Katalin Ladik • Yuri Leiderman / Andrey Silvestrov • Via Lewandowsky • Vlado Martek • Kirill Medvedev • Jan Měřička • Andrei Monastyrski • Monogramista T. D Ladislav Novák • Pavel Novotný • NSRD (Hardijs Lediņš • Juris Boiko • Imants Žodžiks) • Orbita (Semyon Khanin , Artur Punte, Vladimir Svetlov) • Roman Osminkin • Ewa Partum • Pomarańczowa Alternatywa •  Imre Póth • Bogdanka Poznanović • Dmitri Prigov • Pussy Riot • Lev Rubinstein • Gerhard Rühm • Mladen Stilinović • Gabriele Stötzer • Laszlo Szalma • Tamás Szentjóby • Fedir Tetianych • Slobodan Tišma • Raša Todosijević • Jaromír Typlt • Jiří Valoch • Leonid Voytsekhov


Curators Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen

and a team of collaborators: 
Agata Ciastoń, Dubravka Ðurić, Daniel Grúň, Iryna Herasimovich, Emese Kürti, Claus Löser, Pavel Novotný, Kateryna Rusetska/Yuri Birte Anderson, Branka Stipančić, Darko Šimičić and Māra Traumane

Architecture: Matej Gavula (Žilina), RCNKSK architekti (Shedhalle Zürich, Motorenhalle Dresden, Okresní galerie Liberec, Kultura mediální Dnipro, Letohrádek Hvězda Praha)
Installation: Katarina Kostandinović (Belgrade)

The catalogue book will be published in 2025

Exhibition view. New Synagogue, Žilina, Slovakia Photo © Peter Snadik
Ewa Partum: Active Poetry, 1971. Photo © Peter Snadik
Vlado Martek: Ponos (Pride). 1975. Photo © Peter Snadik
Exhibition view. Podroom, Cultural Center Belgrade, Serbia. Foto Katarina Kostandinović

Slobodan Tišma: I want to tell you something, Belgrade 2018. Foto Ratko Rakin

Exhibition view. Shedhalle Zürich 2018. Photo Gina Folly

Exhibition view. Shedhalle Zürich 2018. Photo Gina Folly

Exhibition view. Shedhalle Zürich 2018. Photo RCNKSK

Exhibition view. Motorenhalle – riesa efau Kultur Forum Dresden.
Foto: Andreas Seeliger
Exhibition view. Motorenhalle – riesa efau Kultur Forum Dresden.
Foto: Andreas Seeliger

Exhibition Booklets

Poetry & Performance. Poézia a performancia/The Eastern European Perspective: východoeurópska perspektiva, Tomáš Glanc, Daniel Grúň, Sabine Hänsgen (eds.), Žilina: Nová synagóga 2017 (Slovak/English)

World poetry day(s) 2018: languages games, 21st – 24th March 2018: reading-listening, discussions, exhibition, performances, films / Svetski dan(i) poezije 2018: jezičke igre, 21-24. mart 2018: čitanja-slušanja, razgovori, izložba, performansi, filmovi / Фестивал Светски дан(и) поезије, 21-24. Март 2018: читања-слушања, разговори , изложба, перформанси, филмови, Olivera Stošić Rakić, Dubravka Đurić, Vladimir Kopici (eds.), Belgrad 2018 (Festival brochure, Serbian/English)

Poesie & Performance. Die osteuropäische Perspektive / Poetry & Performance. The Eastern European Perspective, Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen (eds.), Zurich: Shedhalle 2018 (German/English)

Poetry & Performance. Die osteuropäische Perspektive, Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen (eds.), Dresden: Motorenhalle 2019 (German/English)

Poezja i performans: perspektywa wschodnioeuropejska/Poetry & Performance. The Eastern European Perspective, Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen, Agata Ciastoń (eds.), Wrocław: Contemporary Museum 2020 (Polish/English)

Poezie & Performance. Východoevropská perspektiva /Poesie & Performance. Die osteuropäische Perspektive, Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen, Markéta Kroupová (eds.), Liberec Regional Gallery 2021 (Czech/German)

Vers & Performance. A kelet-európai perspektíva/Poetry & Performance. The Eastern European Perspective, Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen, Emese Kürti (eds.), Kassák Múzeum Budapest 2021 (Hungarian/English)

Поезія та Перформанс. Східноєвропейська перспектива/Poetry and Performance. The Eastern European Perspective, Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen, Kateryna Rusetska, Mariya Yarchuk, Yuri Birte Anderson (eds.), Dnipro Center for Contemporary Culture 2021(Ukrainian/English)


Wenn Buchstaben ihre Muskeln zeigen. Gespräch mit Tomáš Glanc und Sabine Hänsgen von Sylvia Sasse, in: https://www.republik.ch/ 13.10.2018

«Неслучаен факт, что именно в автократиях художники так много экспериментировали с языком». Беседа с Сабиной Хэнсген и Томашем Гланцем о перформативном измерении поэзии. Текст: Сильвия Зассе. In: colta.ru,  22.1. 2019

When Letters Show Their Muscles: A Conversation with Sabine Hänsgen and Tomáš Glanc about the Traveling Exhibition Poetry & Performance, the Eastern European Perspective by Sylvia Sasse (Zurich) , Sabine Hänsgen (Zurich), Tomáš Glanc (Zurich) in: ARTMargins, 24. 6. 2019


Pravda, 1.3. 2018 by Juraj Mojžiš

Artalk.cz, 9.3. 2018 by Jana Písaříková

springerin 2/2018 by Lucia Gavulá

Vreme, 1422, 5.4. 2018 by Jovana Georgievski

Artforum 5/2018 by Nuit Banai

ArtReview, December 2018 by Olga Stefan

Novinki.de, 3.1. 2019 by Jelica Popović

ARTMargins, 27. 6. 2019 by Matthias Meindl 

Kunstchronik, September/Oktober 2019 by Seraina Renz 

Katarzyna Kowalewska: Słowa na wolności, słowa na uwięzi . Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej / The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, Młoda Redakcja 2020

Zaborona Journal,  8.2. 2022 by  Dinara Khalilova (in Ukrainian)

Zaborona Journal,  8.2. 2022 by  Dinara Khalilova (in Russian)



“Biela kocka” Award (“White Cube”, awarded by Rada galérií Slovenska) –– 1. prize in the category “independent project” 2018 for “Poetry&Performance. The Eastern European Perspective” in the New Synagogue Žilina.